Wednesday 18 March 2020 16.30 – 18.30

H-4 WOR02 Comparing Narratives: Terrorism Representations and the ‘Historical Continuities’ Hypothesis
Johan Huizinga, 004

Network: Global History Chair: Marcello Mollica
Organizers: Andrea Francioni, Federica Guazzini Discussant: Marcello Mollica

Alessandra Cappelletti : The Official Discourse on “Terrorism” as a Way to cope with Political Struggle and Maintain the Status Quo: the Case of “Uyghur Terrorists” in China

Andrea Francioni : British Narratives of Terrorism in India: the Colonial Discourse on Political Violence in the Interwar Years

Federica Guazzini : Shiftaism in Eritrea under British Administration: Competing Narratives of Political Violence and Counter-Terrorism

Lara Semboloni : Terrorism, a Concept under Construction: the Use of the Term in Mexican Congressional Debates in the First Half of the XX Century